Macmillan Dictionary - Word of the Day

Monday, April 25, 2011

The 25th of April: Freedom Day in Portugal

The 25th of April is a national holiday in Portugal. We celebrate the fall of the dictatorship and the birth of democracy. This event took place in Lisbon on the 25th April 1974.
It is known as the Carnation Revolution " a Revolução dos Cravos" because it was a very pacific revolution and there was no bloodshed.

Songs associated to the 25th of April
Grândola, Vila Morena- Zéca Afonso
E Depois do Adeus-  Paulo de Carvalho

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" The Carnation Revolution (Portuguese: Revolução dos Cravos), also referred to as the 25 de Abril (the 25th of April), was a left-leaning military coup started on 25 April 1974, in Lisbon, Portugal, coupled with an unanticipated and extensive campaign of civil resistance. These events effectively changed the Portuguese regime from an authoritarian dictatorship to a democracy, and produced enormous changes in social, economic and political structures of Portugal, after two years of a transitional period known as PREC (Processo Revolucionário Em Curso, or On-Going Revolutionary Process), characterized by social turmoil and power disputes between left-and right-wing political forces.
Despite repeated appeals from the revolutionaries on the radio asking the population to stay home, thousands of Portuguese descended on the streets, mixing with the military insurgents.
The military-led coup returned democracy to Portugal, ending the unpopular Colonial War where thousands of Portuguese soldiers had been conscripted into military service, and replacing the authoritarian Estado Novo (New State) regime and its secret police which repressed elemental civil liberties and political freedoms. "

Source: Wikipedia

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