Macmillan Dictionary - Word of the Day

Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas in Portugal. Wishing you a Merry Christmas!

My students have written about Christmas in Portugal. 

Read their texts:

Here in Portugal Christmas is a very important season. In the night of the 24th December we exchange gifts with our friends and family.

On the 24th I usually go to my grandmother's house and have dinner along with all my family. We eat codfish with boiled potatoes and on the next day, at lunch, we eat a dish called "Roupa Velha" which in English means "Old Clothes". It's a traditional dish and it's made using the remains from the codfish and kind of mixing everything. It's pretty good.

On December 24th we have dinner at our uncle’s house, where our whole family meets. Then we play games and wait for midnight to open the presents. Someone in the family usually dresses up as Santa Claus because children become very happy. The traditional Portuguese food is awesome.

Christmas is based on the catholic religion, but we have a bit of consumerism too! The streets are enchanted because of all the lights on the trees and balconies. There are pretty Christmas ornaments everywhere. At home, things aren't much different from the streets. In the last weekend we set up the Christmas tree, and decorated the entire house with ornaments. It is so beautiful;  my family and I had a blast of joy while doing this. We all love this season of the year!

Here in Portugal we put lights and we can listen to Christmas songs playing on the streets. The weather is cold but that's not a problem to us. It's a time of joy and share to all the people. And we have 15 days of school holidays!

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