Macmillan Dictionary - Word of the Day

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Teens and advertising

Teens are greatly influenced by advertising. They tend to compare themselves to the glamorous, attractive and slim people they see advertised everywhere. They fail to realize that those images are many times manipulated by those who seek profit. In fact, technologies allow advertisers to create "perfect" people.
As a result of this uneven comparison, teens feel many times insecure about their body image or about their place in the world. Moreover, they may develop eating disorders in order to fit into the impossible thin.

A message to teens:
If you want to live life to the fullest, you'll need lots of energy and commitment. You can only obtain this energy if you eat healthily and have strong and sincere relationships with the people around you.

Don't let anybody blind your discernment. Be honest to yourself and be aware of "fake" friends!

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